Monday, March 11, 2013

Runny Nose Weekend

On Thursday, Harlen woke up with an evil cough but seemed fine so i did what any good mom would do and sent him to daycare in hopes that it would pass and he would get over it.  To my surprise, Thursday night he ran a fever and got to spend Friday afternoon with his Millie and Papa.  They did some art, played till his little heart was content and got to take a few walks up and down the driveway exploring the outside.  Millie said that he was fine all day but did not get to take a good nap because the dogs were barking and woke him up.  I think that his fun filled afternoon and little to no nap added up to a fever again on Friday night.  The hubs and i had planned for a quiet evening in with a couple friends stopping by for a visit and Harlen stayed up a little later than he normally would which was another bad decision on my part.  When Harlen is up later than his normal routine, he inevitably wakes up earlier the following morning.  Bright and early on Saturday morning, Harlen woke up and demanded cartoons which he has started watching in mommy and daddy's bed while Chris and i soak up as much down time before Harlen is ready to get down and play.  Harlen and i did some playing and a little laundry until the hubs came down and asked if wanted to take a family field trip to Bass Bro Shop.  We loaded up, even though Harlen was sick and tried to make the most out of the day.  With a few walks around the store, visit to the fish tank (which Harlen LOVED) playing with baseball hats which Harlen thought was the worst idea ever and some great people watching we made it out of there with only one quick melt down because he didn't want to leave.  He is definitely a little boy following in his daddy's foot steps with loving everything about the outdoors.  On the way home, Harlen fell asleep and woke up as soon as we were about to pull in the driveway.  This made for an interesting afternoon because he refused to go back to sleep and we had some friend coming over to play later on.  I do not know why i worry because he is usually a happy little guy with or without a nap but because he was sick, i wanted to make sure he had all the sleep his little body needed.  Oh well, a busy Saturday meant for a low key Sunday and that is what we did.  Laundry and playing while the hubs cleaned out the garage.  Thanks babe!  It looks awesome.

Here are some shots from the week/weekend.  All in all, we had a fun family filled weekend with lots of snotty hugs and kisses.

Below, Harlen is playing in his playroom.  Yes, he is wearing Santa Pj's.  We get our moneys worth around the Wilson house.

Looking at all the fish at Bass Pro!

One tired little boy with his new hat.

Helping Mommy get ready for company!

Lunch on Sunday!  According to Harlen, eating lunch outside was a MUST and mommy did not argue with that.

Cheese time with Daddy!

When heading to bed on Sunday, i looked over at the monitor and had one of those "wow, i cant believe he is mine moments."  Went to bed next to the man of my dreams while looking at our little blessing.

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