Here are a couple photos from the last week. You will notice that I take 99% of my photos from my phone. With that being said, I REALLY need to get a new one. I have been better at snapping pictures because of this blog, but it does me no good if the pictures are awful quality. Oh well, you get the point.
Here are a couple pictures of Harlen doing his FAVORITE thing...... Drumming. The amount of time that he spends on this thing is crazy. It is the first thing he wants to do when we get home from daycare and the loves to do it all weekend long. It is totally cute, but if this is the instrument that he chooses to play later on, I am going to invest in earplugs. Even this tiny little set is loud. It is cute to watch him play his little hear out though.
Daddy and Harlen taking a nap together this weekend. Chris LOVES to take his naps, but how could you not with this little cuddle buddy.
Uncle Brian decided to take Harlen for a ride on his foot while we were all at Papa and Millies house hanging out over the weekend. I remember doing this with my uncle when I was younger. A flood of happy memories came rushing in when I heard the laughs out of Harlen while going for a "ride."
Random picture of me and my littlest buddy, Hudson! He is SO CUTE and I just love him to pieces. Harlen and I had dinner at my parents house on Friday and they watch my sisters kids that night while sister and Derrick are at work. It is always fun to hang with the boys and watch them play together. Soon, little Hudson will be running around with them and getting into trouble just like Harlen and Colton do together. I cant wait!
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